Some may find the poshest, most hyperbolic diva of television cookery a little irritating, but L'Argent et La Rue think she is amazing, for so many reasons!
Firstly, no-one, no matter how reluctant you might be to admit it, likes to see a fat or ugly person on televison, so we are pleased to see Nigella make cooking look all glamourous with her perfectly coiffed curls gracing the screen once a week. Secondly, she is openly lazy. Anyone who suggests the easiest, quickest way to go about things is a genius!
Most of all though is how delightfully decadant she is. Her books are in many ways, a heart attack waiting to happen, but we all know that indulgent food is the best kind of food. Her indulgent approach spreads to her incredible Kitsch value, which is why you cannot possibly get annoyed by Nigella. She is like a cartoon dark haired Barbie on acid, making marshmallows and comparing them to clouds of joy! And that's why L'Argent et La Rue love her so, because she is so beyond ridiculous that she is amazing! Nigella is my hero!
While we're on the subject of Nigella, L'Argent et La Rue were mystified by her ability to keep her cardigan in the same position over her ample bosom during her show on Monday. Has she taped it in place we pondered? So, in the name of science, we have conducted an experiment, emulating her cardigan boob positioning. Result: Cardigan stays in place unaided, even when lunging forward to fill up the coffee machine! Not only does Nigella cook, she educates in scientific boob magnetism. What will she do next!
1 comment:
Are you this woman's PR?
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