The Sign prohibiting a selection of bonfire related items on the way into Ravenscourt Park, that may as well have read 'No Fun' should have said it all. As L'Argent et La Rue excitedly skipped into the park on Saturday night, eager to warm themselves up with mulled alcoholic beverages whilst making boom sound effects along to the fireworks, they were confronted with a terrible scene. No stalls selling alcohol! Whose wild idea at Hammersmith and Fuck Off Borough Council was this!
They may have thought it was for the good of the children (although who gives a fuck about the children as far as I'm concerned) but in actual fact, countless children could have been injured in the mad stampede for the pub as soon as the fireworks had finished. Didn't consider that one now did you Hammersmith and Fuck off?!
If like me, you are a fellow peaved member of this misled borough, please join me in a revolt! Withhold your council tax, shit in your recycling bags, MAKE THEM PAY!!!!
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